The University of Plymouth is renowned for high quality, internationally-leading education, research and innovation. It is a large, non-for-profit higher education institution with over 30,000 students. Its mission is ‘Advancing knowledge and transforming lives through education and research’.
Plymouth Institute of Education includes outdoor learning and education for sustainable development across its undergraduate programmes for primary teacher education, and works closely with around 200 partner schools to support delivery of high-quality teacher education. Postgraduate opportunities include primary, secondary and post-16 teacher qualifications, Masters and doctoral programmes.
The Outdoor and Experiential Learning Research Network, established in 2006 by Sue Waite and Tony Rea, now includes over 280 academic and practitioner members (https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/research/oelres-net).
Sue Waite and Alun Morgan are the experts at University of Plymouth that contribute to the evaluation of the NANOL project.