Day 1: Monday 15 March, 11:00h – 13:00h (CET)
Transforming Towards Sustainable Development VIDEO
Joaquim Salvi, Rector of the Universitat de Girona
The Global University Network for Innovation PRESENTATION
Josep M. Vilalta, GUNi (Global University Network for Innovation) Director & Executive Secretary of the ACUP (Catalan Association of Public Universities)
Transforming Towards Sustainable Development PRESENTATION
Eeva Furman, Director of the Environment Policy Centre at the Finnish environment institute
Education for Sustainable Development PRESENTATION
Mario Diethart, representing the Leadership Team of the Copernicus Alliance
Closing remarks
Josep Calbó, Vice-Rector for Strategic Projects
Josep M. Vilalta, GUNi (Global University Network for Innovation) Director & Executive Secretary of the ACUP (Catalan Association of Public Universities)
Day 2: Wednesday 17 March, 11:00h – 13:00h (CET)
Aligning science with society VIDEO
Sílvia Llach, Vice-Rector for Territory and Social Commitment of the Universitat de Girona
RRI and science with and for society PRESENTATION
Dobrivoje Lale Eric, Head of Department of International Cooperation at Center for the Promotion of Science
Co-creation: science and society PRESENTATION
Norbert Steinhaus, Director of the WilaBonn Science Shop & coordinator of the H2020 TeRRIFICA project
Pere Condom-Vilà, Director of the Research and Technology Transfer Office (OITT) of the Universitat de Girona
Day 3: Friday 19 March, 11:00h – 13:00h (CET)
Communication and Advocacy for the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs VIDEO
Sílvia Simon, Director of the Chair Scientific Culture and Digital Communication of the Universitat de Girona
Experiences of the European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN) PRESENTATION
Eric Mulholland, European Sustainable Development Network Office & Researcher at the Vienna University of Economics and Business
Experiences of Students Organising for Sustainability United Kingdom (SOS-UK) PRESENTATION
Rachel Soper, Project Manager at Students Organizing for Sustainability - SOS UK
Closing remarks
Daniella Tilbury, Commissioner for Sustainable Development and Future Generations, Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar PRESENTATION
Marta Cayetano, Communication Manager at the Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi)
Day 4: Monday 22 March, 11:00h – 13:30h (CET)
Inequality and health: innovation facing challenges in the context of COVID-19 VIDEO
Follow the data to leave no one behind: leveraging data and partnerships to reach the health-related SDGs and tackle global inequalities. PRESENTATION
Samira Asma, Assistant Director General, Division of Data, Analytics and Delivery for Impact. World Health Organization.
The geopolitics of vaccine inequality PRESENTATION
Ilona Kickbusch, Founder and Chair at Global Health Centre, Graduate Institute in Geneva, Switzerland
Data Science to fight against COVID-19
Núria Oliver, Co-founder and Vicepresident of ELLIS, The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems Chief Data Scientist, Data-Pop Alliance, New York, USA and Spain Commissioner for the President of the Valencian Government on AI and Data Science against COVID-19.
Community Health during the COVID-19 pandemic: experiences from a Local Public Health Agency PRESENTATION
Ana Fernández, Health Technical Advisor at the Barcelona Public Health Agency
Anna Bonmatí, Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing of the Universitat de Girona. Member of the Health and Health Care Research Group, Universitat de Girona
Day 5: Tuesday 23 March, 11:00h – 13:00h (CET)
Wise water management in cities VIDEO
Water-Wise Cities driving progress towards and beyond the SDG: from Vision to Assessments supporting local actions PRESENTATION
Corinne Trommsdorff, CEO & Founder at Water
Managing a sustainable Water Cycle. How Berlin is striving to rely on its own water sources PRESENTATION
Regina Gnirss, Head of Research & Development, Berliner Wasserbetriebe
(Circular) Nature-based solutions in cities PRESENTATION
Joana Castellar, Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA)
Joaquim Comas, Research Professor at ICRA & University of Girona (LEQUIA)
Day 6: Wednesday 24 March, 14:00h – 16:00h (CET)
Moving sustainability forward: regenerative tourism as one of the next steps VIDEO
Rebirthing Culture(s): Regenerative Development and Design PRESENTATION
Bill Reed, Principal at Regenesis Group
Transformative Travel in Kamikatsu, Japan’s first Zero Waste Village PRESENTATION
Kana Lauren Chan, Co-founder and Director of INOW
Participatory process to develop the Strategic Action Plan in the Cerdanya region PRESENTATION
Maria Faura i Pedrals, Turisme Cerdanya
Jaume Guia, Scientific Director of the Tourism Sectoral Hub, University of Girona
18:00h – 20:00h (CET)
Robotics for Nature: disruptive technological approaches to tackle conservation challenges VIDEO
State of Nature in EU: A need for action PRESENTATION
Rebecca Noebel, Researcher at the Ecologic Institute Berlin & co-author of the State of Nature in the EU Report 2020 (European Environment Agency)
From dirty, dull and dangerous robots to collaborative robots for conservation efforts. PRESENTATION
Andra Keay, Managing Director at Silicon Valley Robotics, Visiting Scholar at CITRIS People and Robots Lab & Founder of Women in Robotics
Rafael Garcia, Scientific Director of the Robotics Sectoral Hub & Professor at VICOROB, Universitat de Girona
Day 7: Thursday 25 March, 11:00h – 13:00h (CET)
Improving the sustainability of the food production system along the entire value chain VIDEO
With the collaboration of Triptolemos Foundation
Innovation and partnerships are key for a sustainable transformation of global food systems
Veerle Mommaerts, Global Key Relation Manager at Bayer AG
Packaging Trends, Sustainability and InnovationsPRESENTATION
Svetlana Eskebaek, Business Development at Packbridge AB
Feeding on future. Towards a productive, sustainable, resilient, healthy and responsible food system universally accessible in Catalonia PRESENTATION
Arnau Queralt, Director of the Advisory Council for the Sustainable Development of Catalonia.
Anna Nadal, In charge of the Research Data Management Unit at the Research and Technology Transfer Office (OITT) & Associate Lecturer in Biotechnology and Food Safety of the Universitat de Girona