Dr Robert is a state funded school in Camprodon (Catalonia, Spanish Eastern Pyrenees) with 224 pupils from 3 to 12 years old and 23 teachers working in different areas of education.
It has a long history working with project work pedagogies related to the school surroundings and community. Since the very firsts years of its existence, approximately 80 years ago, the school has prioritised to stablish links within the environment by knowing it and integrating outdoor activities in the learning process. One of the school main objectives is rooting students into their territory, thus, commitment to and experience of Dr Robert school’s annual plans, include the knowledge of the school surroundings at all levels, not only physical but also social, cultural and historical. The school collaborates closely with local stakeholders that help teachers to carry out the school transdisciplinary projects.
The school is also a Green School (Escola Verda) that takes care of the environment but also of people. They encourage democratic participation in decision making at all school levels. They understand the ‘ecological’ concept as also taking into account social and human relationships.