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Nurturing Affinity to Nature through Outdoor Learning in Special Places (NANOL)

École publique élémentaire de Lascelle



École publique élémentaire de Lascelle


‘École publique élémentaire de Lascelle’ is a state funded rural school in the ‘Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d’Auvergne’. The school has, depending on the academic year, about twenty students of primary education.

Lascelle school has previous experiences in learning outdoors through several environmental education projects linked to the Natural Park, such as: nocturnal raptors, nature around the school, day hike with flora study and landscape reading, work on waste and consumption reduction, among others.

The key person involved in this project is Mrs Marie Corbino, who has been teaching for 23 years in rural areas and for 5 years in the school of Lascelle. She is willing to bring new experiences to her students, new ways of approaching learning, allowing them to take initiatives in their own activities, encouraging questions and seeking explanations and solutions. Involvement in tangible experiential actions in special places will develop knowledgable practices that are respectful with the environment, creating a culture that they can expand outside the classroom in their families and communities and hopefully continue latter in life.


News in La Montagne journal about the project.