Climate Change and Inland Seas:
Phenomena, Feedbacks, and Uncertainties. The Physical Science Basis.
The overall aim of this programme is to create a network of international scientists working on climate change in inland sea areas, which are sensitive environments capable of providing key information about global climate change.
The main objectives of the joint exchange programme are:
1.- To create a network for exchanging expertise and complementary knowledge between the institutions and individual scientists working on climate change issues in regions with inland water bodies, which will operate to their mutual benefit and increase their research capacity.
2.- Focus on the study of the Aral, Black and Caspian seas in Central Eurasia, one of the most active regions for climate change according to the projection of surface temperatures for all 4IPCC scenarios, and for which there is a scarcity of data.
2.1.- To provide a sound quantitative assessment of climatic change effects on inland seas and large lakes, as confined water bodies particularly vulnerable to climatic and anthropogenic impacts.
2.2.- To identify the major feedback processes controlling interrelations between the physical state of the inland seas and ongoing trends in atmospheric forcing on a regional scale.
2.3.- To establish conceptual links between contemporary climate variability and climate change trends over the last 150 years as reflected in bottom sediment records from the inland seas, in order to obtain a wider view of how the relationship between climate and inland seas works.
2.4.- To deepen the study of key processes for the assessment of climate change, especially those which are specific to inland seas and their surrounding areas.
3.- Strengthen the objectives of nationally funded research projects which are related to this proposal in some way, and widen the perspectives towards future calls at either the national or European level.