Mark Segal is a lawyer, originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who has been an international legal consultant for twenty years. During this time he has worked or resided in fifty countries, including the Baltic States, Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Caucuses, Russia, Central Asia, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. He has held senior positions in legal, judicial, and legislative reform projects with many different international organizations and donors. Counterparts include parliaments, ministries, courts, non-governmental organizations, and professional training institutions. The work covers rule of law issues, legal reform, judicial reform, court administration, legislative drafting, institution building, capacity development, monitoring and evaluation, and raising professional qualifications. Mr. Segal has also organized major training programs and helped deliver hundreds of events for thousands of government officials, civil servants, judges, prosecutors, court administrators, court personnel, lawyers, members of parliament, parliamentary staff, and NGO representatives. Recently, he has been collaborating with development partners in the area of Smart Cities.
Maria -Lluïsa Marsal-Llacuna has a degree in Architecture (2001), a diploma in Advanced Studies in Urban Planning (2004), and PhD in Urban and Spatial Planning (2008) from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. She has a Master in Applied Informatics (2012) and she is a PhD candidate (2013) in Technology at Universitat de Girona. She gained a position as a assistant professor at Universitat Politècnica in 2001. In 2009 she gained a position as a lecturer at Universitat de Girona. She is the Director of the Official Master’s Program in Smart Cities and Director of the Girona Smart City Chair, both at Universitat de Girona. She has participated and directed different research projects. She has published several papers, books and book chapters. She is actively involved in different research associations and think thank groups operating in the smart cities arena.
Peter Nijkamp is professor in regional and urban economics and in economic geography at the VU University, Amsterdam. His main research interests cover quantitative plan evaluation, regional and urban modelling, multicriteria analysis, transport systems analysis, mathematical systems modelling, technological innovation, entrepreneurship, environmental and resource management, and sustainable development. In the past years he has focussed his research in particular on new quantitative methods for policy analysis, as well as on spatial-behavioural analysis of economic agents. He has a broad expertise in the area of public policy, services planning, infrastructure management and environmental protection. In all these fields he has published many books and numerous articles. He is member of editorial/advisory boards of more than 30 journals. He has been visiting professor in many universities all over the world. According to the RePec list he belongs to the top-20 of well-known economists world-wide. He is past president of the European Regional Science Association and of the Regional Science Association International. He is also fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, and past vice-president of this organization. From 2002 – 2009 he has served as president of the governing board of the Netherlands Research Council (NWO). In addition, he is past president of the European Heads of Research Councils (EUROHORCs). He is also fellow of the Academia Europaea, and member of many international scientific organizations. He has acted regularly as advisor to (inter)national bodies and (local and national) governments. In 1996, he was awarded the most prestigious scientific prize in the Netherlands, the Spinoza award. At present, he is honorary university professor. Detailed information can be found on http://personal.vu.nl/p.nijkamp.
Joaquim Meléndez has a B.S. degree in Telecom Engineering, from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and a PhD from the Universitat de Girona. In 1999 he won a permanent position at the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Automation Engineering where he has developed his career until now. He has been responsible of several engineering degrees and master programs and currently he is the Director of the PhD Program in Technology at this University and Head of the research group “Control Engineering and Intelligent Systems, eXiT” (http://exit.udg.edu), at the Institut d’Informàtica i Aplicacions, focusing his research on data-driven methods for process supervision, including fault detection, diagnosis and decision support with emphasis in applications for power distribution networks and power quality assessment. He is author of more than 150 papers in international conferences and journals in related areas and has led and participated in international and national projects in the field in collaboration with industries and SMEs.