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Historia de la Ciencia Jurídica

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maig de 2010

The University of Girona is hosting a congress celebrating the 50th volume of the series “Filosofía y derecho”. The congress, devoted to the topic “Neutrality and Theory of Law”, will take place the 20th, 21st and 22nd of May 2010.
Some of the most important international specialists will be the speakers of the conference: R. Alexy, J.C. Bayón, B. Bix, E. Bulygin, B. Celano, J. Coleman, R. Guastini, B. Leiter, J.L. Rodríguez, F. Schauer, S. Shapiro, W. Waluchow. Our objective is to offer an event of great importance in the legal-philosophical debate that will gather and try to bridge different legal traditions.

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