El Màster en Canvi Ambiental: Anàlisi i Gestió i el doctorat en Medi Ambient us conviden al cicle de conferències The diversity of life on a changed and changing planet a càrrec del Dr. Nathan J. Sanders:
10 juny: When the little things rule the world - the rise (and fall?) of ant diversity on a changing planet. Cartoteca, Facultat de Lletres, 15:00 a 17:00
Nathan J. Sanders is a professor at the University of Copenhagen and the University of Tennessee, and member of the Center for Macroecology, Evolution, and Climate. He pursue questions about the causes and consequences of biodiversity, from genes to ecosystems. Current research interests center on geographic diversity gradients, community and ecosystem genetics, global climate change and species distributions. Generally speaking we ask three broad questions: (1) What processes underly the assembly of communities? (2) What factors govern broad-scale patterns in the distribution of biodiversity?, and (3) Do trophic dynamics limit local community structure and mediate ecosystem processes?