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EPINET 2012: Epidemics on Networks: Current Trends and Challenges [workshop]
05/09/2012 08:30
07/09/2012 19:00
Escola Politècnica Superior, Building P-IV, UdG - Campus de Montilivi.
EDMA - Differential Equations, Modelling and Applications
The group "Differential Equations, Modelling and Applications" (EDMA) , in collaboration with the group "Broadband Network Control and Management and Distributed systems" (BCDS), both from University of Girona, organizes a workshop on epidemics on networks, to be held in Girona, September 5-7 of 2012.

The development of new modelling approaches for the analysis of the spread of infectious diseases in modern societies is driven by an increasing necessity of predicting the impact of outbreaks of new emerging diseases. Some of these are reintroduced by migratory flows of animals and persons, while others emerge from the evolution of biological pathogens and, in our technological world, the evolution of computer viruses.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers in the field of epidemics with different backgrounds (mathematicians, physicists, computer scientists, engineers, and biologists) to present current problems as well as potential avenues of future research in network epidemiology. Possible topics covered in the workshop are, among others: defining and characterizing robustness of networks, Internet epidemics, capturing human behaviour in epidemic modelling, and epidemics on metapopulations.

We wish to have a true exploratory workshop with a format consisting in working/discussion sessions preceded by a short presentation and, so, departing from, say, closed presentations about already published research. We think that this format will enrich the attendees and the other participants.

Organizers and invited speakers will be nearly half of the 30-40 participants in the workshop, and the remaining participants will be hopefully filled through open application from the scientific community. Open applicants selected to attend will be notified within two weeks of the application deadline.

The workshop is co-organized by the groups "Differential Equations, Modelling and Applications" (EDMA) and "Broadband Network Control and Management and Distributed systems" (BCDS), both from the University of Girona .

For a further information go to web of the workshop Epidemics on Networks: Current Trends and Challenges.