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X Girona Seminar on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry for the Modeling of Biochemical Systems (2-5/7)
02/07/2012 08:45
05/07/2012 15:00
Auditori Josep Irla, Hospital Sta Caterina, delegació Govern Generalitat Catalunya
Institut de Química Computacional

Del 2 al 5 de juliol tindrà lloc a l'auditori Josep Irla el X Girona Seminar on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry for the Modeling of Biochemical Systems. De la presentació en anglès:


The Girona Seminars have taken place in the historic town of Girona every two years since back to 1993, with the aim of bringing together, in a beautiful environment and in an informal and friendly atmosphere, young and senior scientists.

For 2012, we have decided to continue the organization of the Girona Seminars that started in 1993 and continued until 2010 with the IX edition (see also a list of previous organized congresses). We are now starting the organization of the X Girona Seminar that will be held at the Universitat de Girona from July 2th until July 5th 2012.

The aim of the conference is to discuss the recent advances in the theoretical modeling of biochemical systems and biophysical processes, from new methodological developments to applications. This will be the main subject, although, following the philosophy of the previous Girona Seminars, other aspects such as theoretical chemistry, photochemistry, reactivity of organic and organometallic molecules, catalysis, molecular properties or nature of the chemical bond will be also welcome.