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Probability generating functions and epidemics in networks (II)
14/12/2011 15:00
14/12/2011 16:00
Universitat de Girona - Campus de Montilivi - Edifici Politècnica IV - Seminari de Matemàtiques
Grup de recerca d'Equacions diferencials, modelització i aplicacions (EDMA)

Ponent. Dr. Joan Saldaña (UdG)

Abstract. One of the techniques used to analyze processes on networks are the so-called probability generating functions (PGF). One of the recent applications of this technique is the study of epidemics in networks where nodes (individuals) are created (newborns) and deleted (deaths). In the talk we present on how PGF are used in the analysis of simple epidemic models in networks and discuss their application to solve open problems about epidemic models defined on dynamic networks.