La Universitat de Girona ha esdevingut a través d’aquest projecte un referent internacional en l’àmbit dels programes de mentoria, i organitza conjuntament amb vint universitats europees, la jornada “2nd Mentoring conference: About effective mentoring”, el 5 de maig a la Facultat d'Educació i Psicologia, i que pretén mostrar experiències d’èxit de programes de mentoria, com el projecte Rossinyol o Nightingale que es porta a terme a diferents universitats europees, el programa RALLY de la Universitat de Harvard o l’experiència de Big Brothers and Big Sisters International, una organització del tercer sector basada en la mentoria.
9.30 Registration and Coffee
10.00 Welcome
Anna Maria Geli, Chancellor of the University of Girona
Carina Sild-Lönroth, Coordinator of the Nightingale International Network
10.15 Introduction to the key theme
Jordi Feu and Òscar Prieto-Flores, programme managers of the Nightingale Girona
10.30 Plenary session – Part I: About Effective Mentoring Practices
Gil G. Noam, Harvard Graduate School of Education and Harvard Medical12.00 Plenary session – Part II: Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America, 100 years
of experience
Member of Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America – to be confirmed
13.00 LUNCH
14.30 Workshops. How to build more effective mentoring programme
Workshop 1: Strengthening the Nightingale European Network
Moderator: Òscar Prieto-Flores
Workshop 2: Creating and consolidate effective mentoring programmes
Moderator: Jordi Feu
Workshop 3: Mentoring seniors and children
Moderator: Carina Sild-Lönroth
16.00 Panel discussion
Featuring representatives from each workshop.
17.30 Closure of the Conference
20.30 DINNER in the Jewish medieval quarter
School. Director of the RALLY program at Harvard University