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III Congrés de Geografia d'Europa: Geography's stake in Europe: People, environment, politics
29/08/2011 08:00
31/08/2011 18:00
London, UK
Societat Europea per a la Geografia EUGEO)

The third congress of EUGEO, the association of European geographical societies

Dates: 29-31 August 2011
Location: London, UK at the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
Contact the organisers: EUGEO2011@rgs.org This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

EUGEO congresses are held every two years and provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of policy relevant research on and about Europe, engaging researchers and policy makers.   EUGEO2011 will be organised around three central themes:

  • Sustainability and the Environment
    Session topics may include: climate change; energy, water and food production and security; biodiversity and habitat; conservation; environmental management
  • People, Politics and Place
    Session topics may include: rural and urban policy issues like migration, social division and cohesion; rural reorientation; regional economic development; identity of places and spaces
  • New World, New Europe, modernity and globalisation
    Session topics may include: Europe’s global position, territoriality in the new Europe; multilevel and cross-boundary governance;  geopolitics; geoeconomics; transformations of identity in modern Europe

Aquest congrés enllaça amb la Conferència anual de geògrafs britànics que organitzen la Royal Geographical Society i l'Institute of British Geographers del 31 d'agost al 2 de setembre.

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