The Association ‘Accueil et Découverte en Conflent’ (http://ciemlesisards.org) is an educational NGO that works in the Natural Reserve of Py, France.
The association has more than 15 years of experience in designing teaching materials and activities related to the values of Py Natural Reserve. Their goal is to facilitate knowledge through outings and on site discovery, adapting the activities to different audiences and needs.
They are active members of the ‘Réseau Education Pyrénées Vivantes’ network that comprises 60 environmental education centres of the two sides of the Pyrenees (France and Spain), with the aim of creating educational materials and encouraging cross-border exchanges.
Carme Ruset, biologist, experienced educator and a highly enthusiastic and creative person, and Raul Candeias, technician and ranger of the Natural Reserve of Py, are the representatives in the NANOL project.