The Center Šolskih in Obšolskih Dejavnosti, CSOD (Centre for School and Outdoor Education, http://www.csod.si) is a state funded non-profit organisation, stablished as a public institution by the Republic of Slovenia in 1992.
Its mission is to help schools in implementing their programs in nature in order to promote healthy lifestyles, responsible attitudes, respect, cooperation, acceptance of diversity and tolerance in a natural environment. Programs are implemented in 25 residential and day centres across Slovenia.
Dom Rak centre, which takes part in the NANOL project, is one of these CSOD residential centres. It is situated inside two protected areas: Notranjska Regional Park and Rakov Škocjan Landscape Park. The surroundings have typical karts phenomena in the Dinaric forest.
Dejan Putrle (head of the centre and teacher) and Samo Razdih (instructor) are actively involved in the NANOL project and represent the work of all the staff.