Preliminary results of algorithm short-term prediction snowstorms.
Victoria I. Bychkova and Konstantin G. Rubinstein.
Hydrometeorological Research Center of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW01)
Numerical prediction using model WRF-ARW on the coast of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.
Roman Y. Ignatov.
Hydrometeorological Research Center of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW02)
Analysis of different approaches for wind gust estimations.
Maria M. Smirnova and Konstantin G. Rubinstein.
Hydrometeorological Research Center of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW03)
Relations between weather conditions and emergency calls with heart disease diagnoses in a subtropical climate on the example of Russian Causcasus.
Svetlana V. Emelina and Konstantin G. Rubinstein.
Hydrometeorological Research Center of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW04)
Analysis of thunderstorm forecast in coastal areas.
Inna M. Gubenko and Konstantin G. Rubinstein.
Hydrometeorological Research Center of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW05)
Assessment of seasonal forecasts generated by SL-AV model in the Aral, Black and Caspian sea regions.
Valentina M. Khan.
Hydrometeorological Research Center of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW06)
Interannual variability of cyclone activity over the inland seas during the last 30 years: potential of different modern era atmospheric reanalyses.
Natalia Tilinina and Sergey Gulev.
P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW07)
Application of the classification for the study of atmospheric blocking.
Vladimir A. Tischenko(1), Valentina M. Khan(1), Elena Roget(2) and Roman M. Vilfand(1).
(1) Hydrometeorological Research Center of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
(2) University of Girona, Girona.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW08)
Interdecadal Changes in the Links between Mediterranean Evaporation and Regional Atmospheric Dynamics and Precipitation.
Igor Zveryaev(1) and Abdel Hannachi(2).
(1) P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
(2) Stockholm University, Stockholm.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW09)
Caspian Sea level changes during the last millenia: historical and geological evidences from the south Caspian Sea.
Suzanne A.G. Leroy.
Brunel University, London.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW10)
Decadal-to-millennial environmental changes on the northeastern Black Sea region during the late Holocene and the 20th century.
Elena Ivanova(1), Fabienne Marret(2), Maria Zenina(1),(3), Ivar Murdmaa(1), Andrey Chepalyga(4), Eugene Schornikov(3), Lee Bradley(2), Dmitrii Borisov(1) and Maria Zyryanova(1).
(1) P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
(2) School of Environmental Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool.
(3) A. V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology, Far East Division RAS, Vladivostok.
(4) Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciencies, Moscow.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW11)
Climatic characterization of cloudiness (1991-2010) in the area of Black, Caspian, and Aral seas.
Josep Calbó(1), Jordi Badosa(1), Josep-Abel Gonzalez(1), Valentina M. Khan(2), Lidya R. Dmitrieva(2), Arturo Sanchez-Lorenzo(1), Aarón Enriquez-Alonso(1).
(1) University of Girona, Girona.
(2) Hydrometeorological Research Center of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW12)
Variation of the diurnal thermal range and the diurnal component of the surface wind within the Aral Sea region between 1990 and 2010.
Elena Roget.
University of Girona, Girona.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW13)
Investigating the Hydrological Cycle of the Caspian Sea to understand and forecast the Caspian Sea Level variability.
Klaus Arpe.
Institute for the Environment in Brunel University, London.
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW14)
Investigation of the Black, Baltic, Kara and Aral seas using their sea radiance coefficient spectra obtained by passive remote sensing.
Vera V. Rostovsteva, Igor V. Goncharenko, Dmitrii V. Khlebnikov and Boris V. Konovalov.
P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW15)
Thermohaline structure and circulation of the Western Large Aral Sea in the beginning of XXI century.
Alexander S. Izhitskiy(1), Peter O. Zavialov(1) and Elena Roget(2).
(1) P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow.
(2) University of Girona, Girona.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW16)
What did we learn from new in situ observations in the Black Sea and the Aral Sea during the CLIMSEAS Project implementation period?
Peter O. Zavialov.
P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow.
Presentation. (Ref: CLIMSEAS2014_FW17)