Chubarenko, I.P., 2010. Horizontal convective water exchange above sloping bottom: the mecanism of its formation and an analysis of its development. Oceanology, 50: 184-193. Paper.
Chubarenko, I.P., Chubarenko, B., Esiukova, E., Baudler, H., 2010. Mixing by Langmuir circulation in in shallow lagoons. Baltica, 23(1): 13-24. Paper.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference (school) on Dynamics of coastal zone of non-tidal seas, 2010. Eds. Kosjan, R., Chubarenjo, I, Akiwis, T., Chubarenko, B. 410 p. ISBN 978-5-98 777-045-0. Topic 1. Topic 2. Topic 3 (1). Topic 3 (2).