Khan, V. Improvements of seasonal precipitation forecast using optimal combination of multimodal hydrodynamic forecasts. Taiwan Water Industry conference, Taiwan, R.O.C. 154-162, 2010.
Rubinstein K.G., Ignatov R. I., Bychkova V.I., Shiryaev M.M., Chekulaeva T.S. Weather and climate: new research methods and technologies. Prediction system of dangerous meteorological phenomena for the Murmansk Region based on regional hydrodynamic model. Russian Scientific Conference, Permi, 23-14, September 2010. Abstract (In Russian).
Tkachuk S.V., Rubinstein K.G. Weather and climate: new research methods and technologies. Quality assessment of numerical forecasts of temperature and pressure for the resort towns of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Russian Scientific Conference, Permi, 23-14, September 2010. Abstract (In Russian).
Khan, V., Tischenco, V., Roget, E., Vilfand, R. The Classification of Troposphere Circulation Patterns Corresponding to Blocking Anticlyclone Situations in the Atlantic-European Sector. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, 03-08 April, 2011. Abstract. Poster.
Forcat, F., Roget, E., Dmitrieva, L., Shatunova, M., Khan, V. Evaluation of different errors in lake dynamics due to a poor determination of cloud cover. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, 03-08 April, 2011. Abstract. Poster.
Bychkova V. I., Rubinstein K. G., Ignatov R. I., Makshtas A.P. Experimental numerical weather predictions in polar region. Climate Changes in Polar and Subpolar Regions, Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Moscow, 17-19 May, 2011. Abstract.
Ignatov R. I., Smirnova M.M. The reconstruction of ground characteristics of the atmosphere in polar areas using regional WRF-ARF models. Climate Changes in Polar and Subpolar Regions, Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Moscow, 17-19 May, 2011. Abstract (In Russian).
Shiryaev M.V., Rubinstein K.G., Ignatov R. I., Bychkova V.I., Smirnova M.M. Prediction system of dangerous meteorological situations for polar areas on Murmansk Region example. Climate Changes in Polar and Subpolar Regions, Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Moscow, 17-19 May, 2011. Abstract (In Russian).
Badosa, J. Dmitrieva, L.R., Shatunova, M., Chumako, M., Khan, V., Calbó, J., González, J.A. On the cloudiness and cloud types around the Black Sea, Caspian Sea and Aral Sea regions. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, 22-27 April, 2012. Abstract. Poster.
Barcaru, A., Roget, E., Sbert, M., Zavialov, P., Korontenko, K., Feixas, M. 3D visualization of derived hydrophysical parameters in Lakes and Inland Seas. New approach to applied hydrodynamics. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, 22-27 April, 2012. Abstract. Poster.
Sánchez, X., Planella, J., Roget, E. Analysis of the intermittent nature of the turbulence from micro-structure profiles. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, 22-27 April, 2012. Abstract. Poster.
Planella, J., Roget, E., Sánchez, X. Uprising measurements for the study of convective mixing in the upper mixed layer of a lake. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, 22-27 April, 2012. Abstract.
Tkachuk, S.V., Byichkova, V.I., Rubinshtein, K.G., Roget, E. Modeling the meteorological regime change of the Aral sea coastal zone induced by the sea reduction. International conference on environmental observations, modeling and information systems. ENVIROMIS-2012, Irkutsk, 24 June-2 July, 2012. Abstract (In Russian with English summary).
Badosa, J., Dmitrieva, L.R., Calbó, J., Enríquez, A., Shatunova, M., Chumakov, M., Khan, V., González, J.A. 10 years of cloud ground observations around Black Sea, Caspian Sea and Aral Sea. 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Leipzig, 30 July-3 August, 2012. Poster.
Ivanova E., Murdmaa I., Schornikov E., Aliev R., Marret F., Chepalyga A., Bradley L., Zenina M., Kravtsov V., Alekhina G. Decadal-to-millennial scale environmental changes on the northeastern Black sea shelf during the late Holocene and 20th century. At the edge of the sea: sediments, geomorphology, tectonics and stratigraphy in Quaternary studies. P. 43-44. INQUA SEQS Meeting, Sassari, 26-30 September, 2012. Abstract. Presentation.
Wissink, J.G., Herlina, H., Voropayev, S.I., Fernando, H.J.S. DNS of a double diffusive instability. ERCOFTAC Workshop. Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation 9, Dresden, Germany, 2-5 April, 2013. Abstract.
Dmitrieva-Arrago, L.R., González, J.A., Badosa, J., Roget, E., Harin, A.S., Shatunova, M.V. The Earth-atmosphere system radiative energetics with influence of the cloud properties and modern tendency of the cloud cover evolution. P. 88. Atmospheric Radiation and Dynamics ISARD, Saint Petersburg-Petrodvorets, 24-27 June, 2013. Proceedings. Pdf.
Forcat, F. The Aral Sea internal wave structure in autumn 2006. EGU General Assembly 2013. Vol. 15, EGU2013-10473, 2013. Abstract.
Zavialov, P., Huang, H-P. Desiccation of the Aral Sea and climate change in Central Asia: Interplay and mutual feedbacks. EGU General Assembly 2013, Vol. 15, EGU2013-8776, 2013. Abstract.
Roget, E., Khan, V., Tischenko, V. Analysis of the daily component of the surface temperature and the wind speed within the Aral Sea region from 1991 to 2010. EGU General Assembly 2014. Vol. 16, EGU2014-7556, 2014. Abstract. Poster.
Khymchenko, I., Forcat, F., Roget, E. Evolution of the internal wave field in the changing Aral Sea. EGU General Assembly 2015. Vol. 17, EGU2015-15089, 2015. Abstract.