Description of work Task 7.1: Sensitivity of the models to the changes in albedo. Possible impact of the vegetation albedo on regional climate will be analysed based on coupled climate-vegetation models. A set of control and sensitivity experiments using different atmospheric circulation models, e.g. AGCM from RHMC, will be conducted. Based on the output of performed numerical experiments, we will estimate the degree of sensitivity of surface fluxes, surface temperature and air humidity and precipitation to vegetation albedo changes. Task 7.2: Linkage of hydrodynamic and atmospheric models 7.2.1) Data validation of the models and establishment of the iterative process. A 3D hydrodynamical model will be chosen after data validation for the inland seas to be closely linked with a Regional Climate Model available at the RHCM. In this case, output data from one model will be used as input for the next time step in the other model and vice versa (Leon et al., 2007 and Song et al., 2003). Furthermore, the regional climate model will be forced at the boundaries with data from coarser atmospheric models under different climate scenarios. 7.2.2) Feedback effects. Feedback effects at the regional level will be evaluated from a detailed analysis of the atmospheric dynamics at the regional level (7.2.1) compared with similar runs of the model decoupled from the sea model. 7.2.3) Analysis of detailed dynamic of the seas in future climate scenarios. Because coupling of the models will provide small-scale details of external forcing of the seas which, although they might determine their general circulation, are not usually considered in numerical runs for sea simulations, the results from 7.2.1) will be compared with those obtained in WP5 with a coarser forcing. |