Description of work Task 1.1: Promotion of the programme within the members of the participating institutions 1.1.1) Organise a presentation of the programme at all the beneficiaries institutions with the participation of at least one representative of the institutions included in the programme, and one scientific policy officer from the local institution. 1.1.1) Promote the programme among the members of the institutions who do not participate in the travel activities and advertise the seminars organised within the programme. Also, if appropriate, invite individual researches to participate in the research activities planned within the programme. Task 1.2: Coordination of the activities and monitoring of the progress of the programme 1.2.2) Managing work package 2. 1.2.1) Monitoring the progress of the project (at least) through annual written surveys addressed to the programme participants. 1.2.3) Coordinate and assess the activities of the technical staff to assure the best achievement of the aims linked to their participation in the programme. Task 1.3: Dissemination of the results 1.3.1) Present the project as a whole at all the participant institutions to the mass media at the beginning and at the end. Encourage the participants to address the mass media on their own for more specific issues. 1.3.2) Check for an optimal dissemination of the results obtained in the programme within the scientific community by preparing for publication in international journals collected on the ISI web of knowledge and making access to the metadata of the project public. Task 1.4: Co-ordination 1.4.1) Guide tasks 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. 1.4.2) Gather information from participating institutions in order to maintain a web page to inform about the progress and results of the project. 1.4.3) Organise annual meetings (remote or face to face) with all the scientists in charge of each institution to evaluate the progress of the programme and discuss the approaches for the next year. |