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People and Institutions



Scientific coordinator

Elena Roget correu

Web contents manager

Anna Drou correu

People and Institutions

Valentina Khan



Place of work:

Department of long-range forecasting
Hydrometeorological Research Centre of the Russian Federation

Professional experience:

1995-1999: Visiting researcher/ lecturer - University of Rio Grande, Brazil.

1999-2001: Research scientist at Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia.

2001-present: Senior research scientist at Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia.

Topics of interest:

Climate variability; statistical methods of forecast; large scale teleconnections in the ocean-atmosphere system; statistical interpretation of model outputs.

Active research projects:

RFBR (Russian Foundation for Basic Research) Project “Assessment of statistical heterogeneity of climate temporal series based on observations and results of physics-mathematical modeling of past and present climate to reveal periods of potential predictability of meteorological processes and large-scale weather anomalies for season-year-several years”.

RFBR (Russian Foundation for Basic Research) Project “ Anomalous synoptic processes: complex approach to their diagnostics and prognostic applications” .

Representative publications:

Vilfand, R.M., V.A.Tischenco, Khan V.M. Statistical forecasting of monthly air temperature using outputs of hydrodynamical models, Meteorology and Hydrology, 2007, 3, 5-17 (in Russian).

Khan V.M, K.G. Rubinshtein, A.B. Shmakin, 2007, Comparison of Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Snow Cover in Russian Watersheds According to Observations and Reanalyses, Izvestiya AN. Fizika Atmosfery i Okeana, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 69–80.

Sterin A. M., V. M. Khan and K. G. Rubinshtein, Upper-air Temperature Trends: Current Problems and Some Recent Results, S. Brönnimann et al. (eds.), in book “Climate Variability and Extremes During the Past 100 Year”. 85 © Springer 2008, 85-101.

Khan V., L. Holko, K. Rubinstein and M. Breiling Snow Cover Characteristics Over the Main Russian River Basins as Represented by Reanalyses and Measured Data, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2008, Vol. 47, No. 6, 1819–1833.

Khan, V.M., Holko, L., Snow cover characteristics in the Aral Sea Basin from different data sources and their relation with river runoff, Journal of Marine Systems (2009), doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.03.012, v.76, 254-262.

Khan, V.M., Vilfand R.M., Sadokov V.P., Tischenko V.A., 2010, Monthly forecasting: current state and perspectives, in book “80 years of Hydrometcentre of Russia”, 235-246.

Khan, V.M., Kryjov V.N., Vilfand R.M., Tischenko V.A., Boundel A.YU., 2010, Multimodel approach in seasonal weather forecasting, Meteorologiya and Gidrologiya, in print.

Boundel A.YU., Kryjov V.N., Yen-Mi Min, Khan, V.M., Vilfand R.M., Tischenko V.A., , 2010, Assessment of multimodel probabilistic seasonal forecast based on APCC model outputs, Meteorologiya and Gidrologiya, in print.