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People and Institutions



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People and Institutions

Iossif Lozovatsky

 Iossif Lozovatsky


Place of work:

Environmental fluid dynamics group
University of Notre Dame

Professional experience:

1971 – 2008: Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (oceanography) - Leading Research Scientist, Senior Research Scientist., Junior Research Scientist P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia/USSR.

1999 – 2010: Research Professor. Arizona State University, MAE, CEFD, Tempe, AZ, USA.

2004 – 2010: Visiting Professor at University of Girona, Catalonia, Spain

2010 – present: Research Professor. University of Notre Dame, DCE&GS, Notre Dame, IN, USA.

Topics of interest:

Physical Oceanography: marine turbulence, internal waves, patchiness, double diffusion and interleaving; air-sea interaction and structure of the near-surface boundary layer; bottom boundary layer processes in shallow-waters, mesoscale eddies, jets, and fronts; topography related mixing in coastal and deep oceans.
Approach: field measurements, data analysis, theoretical interpretation and numerical modeling.

Active research projects:

Mixing, Internal Waves and Mesoscale Dynamics in the East China Sea, N000140510245; U.S. Office of Naval Research, 2/2005 - 12/2009 (Arizona State University).

Representative publications:

Lozovatsky, I., M. Figueroa, E. Roget, H.J.S. Fernando, and S. Shapovalov, “Observations and scaling of the upper mixed layer in the North Atlantic”, J. Geophys. Res., 110: C05013, doi:10.1029/ 2004JC002708, 2005.

Lozovatsky, I., E. Roget, H.J.S. Fernando, “Mixing in shallow waters: Measurements, processing, and applications”, J. Ocean University of China, 4(4), 293-305, 2005.

Lozovatsky, I., E. Roget, H.J.S. Fernando, M. Figueroa, and S. Shapovalov, “Sheared turbulence in a weakly-stratified upper ocean”, Deep Sea Res . I, 53, 387-407, 2006.

Roget, E., I. Lozovatsky, X. Sanchez, and M. Figueroa, “Microstructure measurements in natural waters: Methodology and applications”, Progress in Oceanography, 70, 123-148, doi:10.1016/j.pocean. 2006.07.003, 2006.

Lee, J-H., I. Lozovatsky, S-T. Jang, C-J. Jang, C-S. Hong, and H.J.S. Fernando, “Episodes of nonlinear internal waves in the Northern East China Sea”, Geophys. Res. Letters., 33 L18601, doi:10.1029/2006GL027136, 2006.

Lozovatsky, I.D., Liu Zhiyu Wei Hao, Fernando, H.J.S., “Tides and mixing in the northwestern East China Sea. Part I: Rotating and reversing tidal flows”, Continental Shelf Res., 28/2, 318-337, doi:10.1016/ j.csr.2007.08.006, 2008.

Lozovatsky, I.D., Zhiyu Liu, Hao Wei, Fernando, H.J.S., “Tides and mixing in the northwestern East China Sea. Part II: The near-bottom turbulence”, Continental Shelf Res. 28/2, 338-350, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2007.08.007, 2008.

Lozovatsky, I.D., H.J.S. Fernando, and S.M. Shapovalov, “Deep ocean mixing on basin scale: Inference from North Atlantic transects”, Deep Sea Res. 55, 1075-1089, doi:10.1016/dsr.2008.05.003, 2008.

Liu, Z., H. Wei, I.D. Lozovatsky, and H.J.S. Fernando, “Late summer stratification and turbulence in the Yellow Sea”, Journal of Marine Systems, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.11.001, 2008.

Lozovatsky, I., E. Roget, J. Planella, H.J.S. Fernando, and Z. Liu (2010), Intermittency of Near-Bottom Turbulence in Tidal Flow on a Shallow Shelf, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JC005325, in press. (accepted 20 November 2009). Paper.

Lozovatsky, I., Zhiyu Liu, H.J.S. Fernando, J. Armengol, and E. Roget, “The dissipation rate and friction velocity on a shallow tidal shelf”, Continental Shelf Res. (submitted), 2010.