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Participation in EURO 2019
Angels Xabadia participated in the 30th European Conference on Operational Research which took place from 23 to 26 June in Ireland, Dublin. There she presented the paper "Common Property Management: Coalitions, Stock Effects and Congestion."
assa goetz
A member of our team participates to ASSA Annual Meeting
Renan Goetz presented the article "Production Risks, Liquidity Constraints and Participation in Crop Insurance Programs in Ghana", (co-authors Awudu Abdulai, University of Kiel and Victor Owusu, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology) at the American Economic Association Congress which was held in Atlanta from January 4-6, 2019
Science of the Total Environment
New publication of Renan U. Goetz, Yolanda Martínez and Àngels Xabadia: “Efficiency and acceptance of new water allocation rules - The case of an agricultural water users association” in Science of the Total Environment
This paper examines the obstacles for the case of an agricultural water users association (WUA), situated in the basin of the River Ebro, in relation to the governance structure and collective decision rule of the WUA.