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6è Seminari Internacional de Tàctica i Tècnica Esportiva

Fees and Services


Pg. Mas Riera, 22. 

17820 Banyoles

Tel.: 972 57 64 93

correu dir.ceef@udg.es  

link UdG www.udg.edu/ceef  

Twitter @udgceef 

Secretari: Martí Pons


Fees and Services


75 €

general public

50 € students (student ID card or photocopy of a current registration receipt required), and members of the COPLEFC.

* Reduced fee: It’s compulsory to send the documentation to dir.ceef@udg.edu the moment the payment is made. Moreover, you have to present the documentation when registration on site.

**20 € for saturday lunch (optional). If you’d like to reserve for Saturday lunch with the organization, you have to do the payment the moment you sign up for the seminar.




Personal accreditation and attendance certificate

Publication of the VII CEEF Conference

Reduced prices for hotels and restaurants that collaborate with the Seminar (see web)